Tuesday, October 12, 2010


!!! ~* ATTENTION MOMs *~!!!

What Troubles You Most as You lie in Bed at Night?
Not having enough time for kids?
Are you missing your kids growing up?
Not having financing to afford better lifestyle?
How will you pay for your childs education?
Want to raise your kids in a better neighborhood or attend better schools?
WE are LOOKING for 100 MOMs in this area to work with us pt/ft from home. Our industry has already retired MANY Moms from their jobs who
are now working from home as stay-at-home parents.
Join our "HELP AMERICAs PARENTS PROJECT'' American children NEED their Parents to make the right choices and find a way to spend more time with them. YOUR KIDS NEED YOU THERE!!
Please Invest 5 minutes to hear this recorded overview ...call 646-222-7148
Then to inquire about openings, call Shan ~ 404.590.MOMs (404.590.6667)
I look forward Us Joining forces!!!